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Health and Disease

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 01 02 13 - Health and Disease

Ayurveda has given a complete definition of health that comprises the state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well being. The definition of health stated by the WHO is also inspired by the Ayurvedic concept of health.  Ayurveda states the health as a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being. There are four objectives of the life of a person viz. Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha for attainment of which we need good health. The three pillars of life are Ahara (Diet), Nidra (sleep) and Brahmacharya (regulated sex) and they are called as Trayopastambha.


Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 01 02 12 - Health and Disease

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