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Getting rid of inertia with Yoga and other activities

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Getting rid of inertia with Yoga and other activities

As stated above, Diabetes is caused due to pitta and kapha imbalance in a specific place. When people continue to live in manners which are anti-life, the disease is gradually built. Inactivity or lack of movements is one of the major anti-life factors. You can realise the capability of the human body when you see sports, ballet dancers, Chinese acrobats or Indian classical dancers. In all these examples, body’s capabilities are used to the maximum. However, in modern way of living where most things are mechanised, human beings need very little physical activity.

Full article in Ayurved Sutra Vol. 06 Issue 04

Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 04 22 - Getting rid of inertia with Yoga and other activities

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Dr. Vinod Verma

Dr. Vinod Verma is a pharmacologist, neurobiologist and an ayurvedic expert trained in Parampara. Author of many popular books, published in several languages including English, German and Hindi. She studied and practiced in US, France and Germany.She founded Charaka School of Ayurveda to train interested people with genuine Ayurvedic education so that they can further impart the knowledge of Ayurvedic way of life and save people from becoming a victim of charlatanry in Ayurveda.