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Concept of Dosha Dhatu Mala as Physiological basis of Sharir

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Concept of Dosha Dhatu Mala as Physiological basis of Sharir

Ayurved defines Sharir or body as a combination of the Tridoshas (Vata – Pitta – Kapha), the Saptadhatus (Rasa – Rakta – Mamsa – Meda – Asthi – Majja– Shukra) and the Trimalas (Mootra – Purisha – Sweda).

On the other hand modern science quotes the ‘Cell’ to be the basic fundamental unit of the human body. Correlating the two concepts of the traditional and contemporary sciences it can be stated that each minutes cell is a Sharir in itself and has ‘Dosha’, ‘Dhatu’, and ‘Mala’ as its composite Characters. This philosophy can be put forth on the basis of the various Darshana Shashtra.

Sankhya Darshana states that each substance is Panchabhautik in nature and each Panchamahabhuta is invariably present within the substance. In fact nature in itself is evolved from the Panchatanmatras viz. Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa, Rasa and Gandha which also form the basic foundation of Panchamahabhutas.

Hence, it can be reiterated that the smallest constituent unit of the human body is also composed of Panchamahabhutas and thus in turn of the Panchatanmatras.

Full article in Ayurved Sutra Vol. 06 Issue 05

Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 05 46 - Concept of Dosha Dhatu Mala as Physiological basis of Sharir

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