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Treating diabetes & Healing the Body with Sujok Therapy

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Treating diabetes & Healing the Body with Sujok Therapy

In this era of accelerating changes in technology a novel method of rapid natural healing appeared. Sujok therapy is the most advanced form of natural treatment that combines ancient knowledge and modern logic. This modern combination created an extremely powerful tool for healing of mind and body. Since initiated by Prof. Park Jae Woo in the late 1980’s, this novel and highly effective method is constantly developing like open source software. Although the risks of diabetes are life threatening, data from Sujok clinics all over the world and from ISA R&D center shows that in most cases of diabetes type II and in early cases of diabetes type I, proper treatment can alleviate symptoms and bring the disease to a constant remission or even to a cure.

Full article in Ayurved Sutra Vol. 06 Issue 05

Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 05 42 - Treating diabetes & Healing the Body with Sujok Therapy

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