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Boost your Immunity to Curb Diseases

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 06 50 a - Boost your Immunity to Curb Diseases

The ability of an Organism to resist disease is called immunity. Actually, it is the balanced state of the body wherein the body has adequate biological defenses to fight against infections, diseases and biological invasions witch are unwanted. So, it is the most important factor in the body to avoid any kind of disease. The human species and our ancestors have existed on this planet for about a million year or longer. Virtually all of that time we did not have antibiotics, vaccinations or any of the other modern medical advances that are now deemed necessary to be healthy. During all this time of our history, our species could not have survived, if we did not have the basic ability to defend ourselves against simple infections. The serious epidemics and infectious illness which prompted to develop vaccinations were caused by poor sanitation and nutrition, by living in unnatural manners – as an effect of urbanisation and industrialisation.

Full article in Ayurved Sutra Vol. 06 Issue 06

Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 06 50 - Boost your Immunity to Curb Diseases

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