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Decoding Mahabharat

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Decoding Mahabharat

‘Yato dharma, tato jaya’ – wherever there is dharma, there is victory. Dharma means to do one’s duty selflessly; not just for oneself but for the good of people at large. This is the underlying theme of all Hindu scriptures. In Mahabharat it is explained more explicitly.

This message is presented as the central story in Mahabharat. It is a story of conflict between two families, the Kauravs and Pandavs, who had a common grandfather, Sage Vyas, incidentally the author of the epic himself. The ongoing conflict between the cousins takes them to the battlefield of Kurukshetra.

Full article in Ayurved Sutra Vol. 06 Issue 06

Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 06 66 - Decoding Mahabharat

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Sunita Pant bansal

In her four decades of writing career, she founded a weekend newspaper and three magazines, besides editing five magazines, writing numerous articles and hundreds of books. Her forte is mythology, spirituality, education, travel and holistic wellness.