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Do not let “Diabetes” control you Fight it with open Eyes

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 06 53 - Do not let “Diabetes” control you Fight it with open Eyes

Are you Diabetic? An affirmative answer to the question puts you through numerous complications and immediately takes the happiness out of your life. Diabetes (“Sugar”) implies to your increased sugar levels that haunts you every time you want to pick a piece of your favourite chocolate or want to satisfy you sweet tooth with your beloved ‘Rasgulla’ or ‘mishti dahi’. Life is no longer ‘Normal’. The ghost of diabetes takes away contentment and pleasure out of your life bit by bit. It snatches away the ‘freedom of indulgence’ and adds to your disappointment by restricting your diet and making it definite and restricted.

Full article in Ayurved Sutra Vol. 06 Issue 06

Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 06 52 - Do not let “Diabetes” control you Fight it with open Eyes

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