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Distress to De-Stress

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The first step is to manage the desire with the intellect. If the intellect approves go ahead and fulfil the desire without fear or guilt. But if the intellect vetoes it keep away. This gives relief.

Stress is the disease of the 21st Century! Everyone seems to be in stress – from a child to a retiree. The only time you are free from stress is when you are inactive. So you look for long weekends and holidays to escape from stress. The moment activity begins mental agitation returns. Vedanta speaks of your birthright as a human being to combine dynamic activity with perfect serenity of mind. Then perfect action emerges. You are successful and happy. Billie Jean King, the Wimbledon champion, says dynamic

Full article in Ayurved Sutra Vol. 06 Issue 07

Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 07 18 - Distress to De-Stress

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