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The ideal of Karma-Yoga

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 08 8 - The ideal of Karma-Yoga

A good deal of explanation is necessary here. We have to understand what Chitta is, and what the Vrittis are. I have eyes. Eyes do not see. Take away the brain centre which is in the head, the eyes will still be there, the retinae complete, as also the pictures of objects on them and yet the eyes will not see. So the eyes are only a secondary instrument, not the organ of vision. The organ of vision is in a nerve centre of the brain. The two eyes will not be sufficient. Sometimes a man is asleep with his eyes open. The light is there and the picture is there, but a third thing is necessary — the mind must be joined to the organ. The eye is the external instrument; we need also the brain centre and the agency of the mind. Carriages roll down a street, and you do not hear them.

Full article in Ayurved Sutra Vol. 06 Issue 08


Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 08 9 - The ideal of Karma-Yoga

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