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Role of Ayurveda in public health

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 09 41 - Role of Ayurveda in public health

Ayurveda,  the   ancient  traditional   medicine   of  India,  defines  health as a state of complete physical, mental and spiritual well-being. The focus of Ayurveda is on a predictive, preventive and personalized medicine. This is obtained through a low-cost personalized counseling about lifestyle measures (आहार,अष्टाहरविधि विशेषयातन , विहार , ऋतुचर्या, दिनचर्या, सदवृत्त, धारणीय अधारणीय वेग .), trying to involve the patient directly in the process of healing, increasing his self-awareness and good relationships with others and nature.  Prevention strategies pragmatically suggested by Ayurveda – including factors such as promotion of health education, individual awareness, integration of spirituality and ethics in healthcare system- may be applied in public health management, in order to improve perceived and objective life quality, promote healthy aging, limit drugs use (avoiding expensive side-effects) and reduce chronic diseases social costs.

Full article in Ayurved Sutra Vol. 06 Issue 09

Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 09 38 - Role of Ayurveda in public health

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