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Money Desires Corruption

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 10 22 - Money Desires Corruption

Charaka said The root cause of the derangement of all is unrighteousness or adharmsa. That arises from misdeeds from a previous life or this life, but the source of both is pragya aparadha (intellectual error) [unrighteousness]… When the heads of the country, city, guild and community (Desh, Nagar, Nigam, Janapadha Pradhan) having transgressed the virtuous path, deal unrighteous with people and their officers and subordinates, and people of the city and community and traders carry this unrighteousness further. Thus this unrighteousness has disappeared, unrighteousness has the upper hand.

Full article in Ayurved Sutra Vol. 06 Issue 10

Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 10 20 - Money Desires Corruption

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Dr. Vinod Verma

Dr. Vinod Verma is a pharmacologist, neurobiologist and an ayurvedic expert trained in Parampara. Author of many popular books, published in several languages including English, German and Hindi. She studied and practiced in US, France and Germany.She founded Charaka School of Ayurveda to train interested people with genuine Ayurvedic education so that they can further impart the knowledge of Ayurvedic way of life and save people from becoming a victim of charlatanry in Ayurveda.