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Pain and its Management

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 11 17 - Pain and its Management

There are two major kinds of pains: physical and mental. Both are caused by vikriti or imbalance at physical and mental levels.

Mental pain can give rise to physical and vice versa. The constant imbalance gives rise to the formation of vikara or specific malfunction and thus pain becomes chronic if it is at physical level and habitual if it is at mental level.

Pain at physical level is a warning system of the body to give us a message that something is wrong with the dynamic body system. It indicates the obstruction of energy channels of the body due to formation of blockades. It can be due to imbalance of the doshas in that particular region or an injury or infection. It could also be due to an ill effect of a wrong posture over a long period of time.

Full article in Ayurved Sutra Vol. 06 Issue 11

Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 11 8 - Pain and its Management

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Dr. Vinod Verma

Dr. Vinod Verma is a pharmacologist, neurobiologist and an ayurvedic expert trained in Parampara. Author of many popular books, published in several languages including English, German and Hindi. She studied and practiced in US, France and Germany.She founded Charaka School of Ayurveda to train interested people with genuine Ayurvedic education so that they can further impart the knowledge of Ayurvedic way of life and save people from becoming a victim of charlatanry in Ayurveda.