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Antenatal and Postnatal Care in Ayurveda

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 01 55 - Antenatal and Postnatal Care in Ayurveda

Ayurvedic texts say a pregnant woman is to be treated as delicately as if one is carrying a cup full to the brim with oil, without spilling a drop.  Ayurveda, the classical natural health care system from India teaches that pregnancy is sacred and must be carefully planned and prepared. Pregnancy is a time when everything the pregnant mother tastes, sees, touches, hears, and smells should be nourishing to the mother and child.

Full article in Ayurved Sutra Vol. 07 Issue 01

Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 01 54 - Antenatal and Postnatal Care in Ayurveda

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Dr. Meeta Kotecha

She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Dravyaguna, National Institute of Ayurveda . She has guided 13 M.D. scholars and 5 Ph.D. scholars for their research projects.Published more than 15 research papers in reputed journals and presented papers / delivered expert lectures in more than 42 seminars and workshops. Her main interest area of research is to explore food and nutrition aspects from Ayurveda perspective.