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A discerning meditator discovers that his mind is also full of delusions

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 02 13 - A discerning meditator discovers that his mind is also full of delusions

Life can be really lived only in the present. Therefore, the first step of this technique is to develop awareness of a present reality: the breath entering or leaving the nostrils. The breath may pass through the left nostril, through the right nostril, or through both the nostrils simultaneously. One may find that after observing one or two breaths, the mind wanders away.

If one wants to understand one’s own physical and mental nature, one must use a pure object of concentration-natural, normal respiration. One should not try to regulate the breath or do any breathing exercise. Nor should one repeat any word or mantra or visualize any shape, form or imaginary object along with awareness of respiration. One should observe bare respiration, as it is.

Full article in Ayurved Sutra Vol. 07 Issue 02

Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 02 10 1 - A discerning meditator discovers that his mind is also full of delusions

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