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Dhyana or Meditation

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 02 45 - Dhyana or Meditation

The freedom of the Pureisha is its return to its original status of infinitude by way of abstraction of its relations with every form of objectivity, which is Prakriti in some degree of its manifestation. The pinnacle of Yoga is the absorption of the mind in the object of its concentration. The whole technique borders upon an attunement of the subjective consciousness, in its wholeness, to the structure of the object of concentration. Normally, the Object is severed from consciousness so that it exists as an independent, material something, totally incapable of reconciliation with the nature of consciousness.

Full article in Ayurved Sutra Vol. 07 Issue 02

Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 02 44 - Dhyana or Meditation

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