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Meditate even when you’re HAPPY

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 02 36 a - Meditate even when you’re HAPPY

Much depends on the kind of meditation practiced and the context in which it’s being done. Practices that emphasize mindfulness are different in their effects on the brain than those that are designed to cultivate compassion or kindness. We are emotional creatures. Emotions are the lenses through which we experience daily life and inhabit the world—how we love, learn, work, make meaning, and devise solutions to problems we face. But there’s mounting evidence to suggest all is not well with our emotional lives. An estimated 350 million people worldwide are affected by depression, according to the World Health Organization. Our culture fetishizes productivity and busyness, which place a toll on our collective well-being. We go to extremes to experience the positive and avoid the negative.

Full article in Ayurved Sutra Vol. 07 Issue 02

Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 02 36 - Meditate even when you’re HAPPY

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