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Simple Steps

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 02 21 - Simple Steps

In Yoga science, all of the techniques are used to develop certain skills by which one can meditate at a depth that will reveal the Center of Consciousness, the Self within.

There are many Yoga techniques that can be learned. In pursuing those techniques, one can be left with a bewildering sense of uncertainty about “why” all of the methods are being learned, aside from a general idea that the methods are for “Self-Realization” or “Enlightenment”.

To put it simply, there is a vast difference between a skill and the methods or techniques that were used to attain that skill. Think of the way an infant does many actions in those early months and years. The child may be playing with this or that toy, or exploring the new environment of this new world. Yet, all of the play and exploring leads to development of a few underlying skills, such as the motor skills of being able to hold an object in the hand, or to move the legs so as to go from here to there.

Full article in Ayurved Sutra Vol. 07 Issue 02

Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 02 20 - Simple Steps

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