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The Science of Ugadi

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 04 18 a - The Science of Ugadi

Ugadi is not celebrated as the New Year just as part of a belief system or a convenience – there is a science behind it which enhances human wellbeing in many different ways.

There is a certain significance to Ugadi being the New Year, and not the first of January, in terms of what is occurring in the planet and in the human physiology and mind on this day. Ugadi follows the lunisolar calendar, which has a direct connection with the way the human body is made. The Indian calendar is very significant not just culturally but scientifically because it connects you with the movements of the planet.

Full article in Ayurved Sutra Vol. 07 Issue 04

Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 04 18 - The Science of Ugadi

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