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Learn how to manage your Dreams

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 0102 Double Issue 84 a - Learn how to manage your Dreams

Pamella Ball is a dream expert. Pam’s core interest on all levels was sparked as a sick children’s nurse. This was also the time when she developed an interest in dreams and their significance. She became a popular author and therapist.

In her book “The Power of Creative Dreaming” she explains the learning techniques to tap the power of our dreams. It are a book which deals with Dream Management.

Pamella ball says, there are ways to control dreams. Whenever one looks at creative dreaming, the First thing that strikes one is that there is a degree of control needed over both dreaming and the waking up process. Without this, it is unlikely that we shall have the ability to recall and remember what we have dreamt

According to Pamella ball, It is but a short step from such an awareness to belief that, through lucid dreaming and using your creativity, you can build a world in which you can take a great deal of pride. Creative dreaming is a state between realities, those of waking self and the dreaming self. When we are able to harness both realities, we are indeed within reach of a ‘Brave New World’ of our making.


Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 0102 Double Issue 84 791x1024 - Learn how to manage your Dreams


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