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A Ball is a Ball, a Soul is so Unique

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 10 59 - A Ball is a Ball, a Soul is so Unique

Science is the knowledge which helps us to understand the laws of nature, but we are really limited by our knowledge of what is known to us as nature.

We as scientists have put significant efforts to explain things which can be perceived by our senses, or by the instruments which are made by us. We can explain why a ball goes highest when we throw at a particular angle. We could predict such outcomes based on the models of the world that we have discovered by analysing the data, collected by observing the series of similar experiments, with a fixed objective, to answer a pre determined question, using a hypothesis.

We call it Scientific Discovery when we successfully make a conclusion which works for a large series of experiments. The laws of nature which Science attempts to understand often involve the unanimated objects with no will of their own and always expected to behave the same.


Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 10 58 791x1024 - A Ball is a Ball, a Soul is so Unique

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