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Ayurveda will be the Main System of Medicine

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 04 64 - Ayurveda will be the Main System of Medicine

I was disturbed when I saw the condition of the children in Gorakhpur. Children there are dying to encephalitis and the worst is that there are no arrangements done to counter it. Forget about preventive measure they don’t have access to medicines. There should be a primary healthcare center in every village.I want that every village should have a center, which should have an OPD, a hall where yoga can be practiced and awareness programmes can be organized, and a medicine store so that people are not forced to run from pillar to post for medicines. We should have a primary healthcare centre with two doctors, a yoga teacher and a person who can run a medicine store.


Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 04 62 791x1024 - Ayurveda will be the Main System of Medicine

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