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Brthers & Sisters

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 0102 Double Issue 106 1 - Brthers & Sisters

Like us, some animal siblings compete for resources such as parental care, food, territory, and potential mating partners. The degree of rivalry varies, ranging from a low level of violence to the killing of kin in siblicide.

God save any parent from two sons. Even the richest families do not survive the inherent rivalry between them and a large number of cases in court are by brothers demanding the estate. Brothers and sisters are slightly better but once they get married the bond becomes weaker and again the fighting, over property, starts. It is estimated that there are over one crore cases in India just dealing with sibling claims.

How do animals brothers and sisters work with each other? Sand Tiger Shark babies kill each other up in the womb till only one emerges. Fire salamanders eat each other in the womb so that they can get healthier and develop more quickly.

Like us, some animal siblings compete for resources such as parental care, food, territory, and potential mating partners. The degree of rivalry varies, ranging from a low level of violence to the killing of kin in siblicide.


Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 0102 Double Issue 106 791x1024 - Brthers & Sisters

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