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Devas vs. Asuras

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 05 59 a - Devas vs. Asuras

Like devas and asuras, some planets are considered “good” and some “bad.” For example, Jupiter is generally taught to embody the qualities of teacher, preceptor, wisdom, expansion, earth, sweets, etc. “He” is also considered to be the preceptor of the devas—the “good guys.”

A few months ago, I was reading about how one of the big Hindu Gods (Brahma) was lusting after his own daughter. She would try to get escape his line of vision and he would create himself a new face, so he could continue to look upon her in this creepy way.


Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 05 58 791x1024 - Devas vs. Asuras

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