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Qualities of Vaidacharyas

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 05 issue 08 28 q - Qualities of Vaidacharyas

Charaka has given the definition of the authority (the physician) – those who are free from rajas and tamas and endowed with strength of penance and knowledge, and whose knowledge is impeccable, always above contradiction and universally true is past, present and future. They are known as apata (who have acquired all the knowledge), sista (expert in the discipline) and vibhudda (enlightened); their word is free from doubt which has no place for falsehood because being devoid of rajas and tamas, how can they speak a lie.


Ayurvedsutra Vol 05 issue 08 28 - Qualities of Vaidacharyas

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Dr. Meeta Kotecha

She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Dravyaguna, National Institute of Ayurveda . She has guided 13 M.D. scholars and 5 Ph.D. scholars for their research projects.Published more than 15 research papers in reputed journals and presented papers / delivered expert lectures in more than 42 seminars and workshops. Her main interest area of research is to explore food and nutrition aspects from Ayurveda perspective.