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Winter Warnings

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 05 120 a - Winter Warnings

Seasonal food available in this period is also rich and nutritious. This season is particularly good for enhancing immunity (ojas).

The year is divided into six seasons according to the movement of the sun. When the sun moves northward (uttaraayana or the Northern Solstice), the sun’s rays are direct, strong and sharp, and the wind is dry. The sun absorbs moisture from the earth, causing dehydration in all living entities. Human beings tend to feel weak during this period because of the heat and dry weather. This period of dehydration is called “aadaana kaala” and consists of three seasons: Shishira (late winter) – January, February Vasanta (spring) – March, April Greeshma (summer) – May, June

Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 05 120 791x1024 - Winter Warnings

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