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Yog and Ayurved sceinces for promoting peace worldwide

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 05 issue 01 02 80 - Yog and Ayurved sceinces for promoting peace worldwide

I was born in a family dedicated to Vedic traditions. Yog and Ayurved Sciences are the sum and substance for lifestyle management practices and are as old as existence of life on planet Earth. The Creator of Universe had provided full Knowledge to His first human creation named Brahma at the very beginning of Creation. The same Knowledge was shared by Brahma with his children who in turn shared it with their children and the oral tradition of transmission of Knowledge continued for tens of millennia before that Knowledge got collated and scripted into Vedas.


Ayurvedsutra Vol 05 issue 01 02 79 - Yog and Ayurved sceinces for promoting peace worldwide

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