
The foolish expend a great deal of time and energy

Here are some of Lao Tzu’s most significant teachings according to Derek Lin and his translation of the Tao te Ching: Non-contention– Lao Tzu contended that violence controlled, or otherwise, can only cause negative consequences. The Tao ideal is to solve problems

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On Receipt Of My Mother’s Picture

Oh that those lips had language! Life has pass’d With me but roughly since I heard thee last. Those lips are thine—thy own sweet smiles I see, The same that oft in childhood solaced me; Voice only fails, else, how

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Be a Good Parent

It is very difficult for me to talk about parenting. I have no experience. But I can give you some ideas through observation. You have to put this into your experience and see. If you are very orderly, children will

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

OH! mother dearest

Adi Shankara was born at Kalady in Kerala in a Namboodiri Family. His mother was Aryamba and his father died very early. When he wanted to take up Sanyasa very much against the will of her mother, she finally agreed

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Food is life : Health with Mahatma Gandhi

Whilst it is true that man cannot live without air and water, the thing that nourishes the body is food. Hence the saying, food is life. Food can be divided into three categories : vegetarian, flesh and mixed. Flesh food

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Unfired Food : Health with Mahatma Gandhi

If one may take ripe fruit without cooking I see no reason why one may not take vegetables too in an uncooked state provided one can properly digest them. Dialecticians are of opinion that the inclusion of a small quantity

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Intoxicants : Health with Mahatma Gandhi

The intoxicants used in India might be taken as the following: alcohol, bhang, ganja, tobacco and opium. Alcohol or liquor include the country made liquor and arak, besides the large quantity of liquor imported from foreign countries. All these should

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