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Spiritual/Logical Aspects behind Why Raga-Music is more Therapeutic and Healing

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 11 26 - Spiritual/Logical Aspects behind Why Raga-Music is more Therapeutic and Healing

Raga music incorporates a basis, a stable platform in which one finds refuge and stability of mind. Certain satisfaction, belongingness, relief dwells in the concept of Swarit or Sa which makes the listener and musician feel that ‘we need to return home’.

Music in India has great potential in this study because Indian music is melodic and has somewhat different pitch perception mechanisms. Western classical music which is based on harmonic relation between notes versus the melodic mode (raaga) structures in the Indian Classical Music System (ICM) within the rhythmic cycle music may demand qualitatively different cognitive engagement. The analysis of EEG data to determine the relationship between the brain state condition in the presence of ICM and its absence would, therefore, be an interesting study.

Full article in Ayurved Sutra Vol. 06 Issue 11

Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 11 24 - Spiritual/Logical Aspects behind Why Raga-Music is more Therapeutic and Healing

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