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Meditation: Stabilize, Rejuvenate and Relax

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 05 issue 03 29 - Meditation: Stabilize, Rejuvenate and Relax

Now let’s switch the “c” for a “t” and examine the risks that meditation might have. Think— Meditation really doesn’t have any physical threats. Rather a study by American Heart Association, 2012 states that Meditation reduces risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease by nearly 50 per cent. I am sure none of us can ignore this.


Ayurvedsutra Vol 05 issue 03 28 - Meditation: Stabilize, Rejuvenate and Relax

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Shruti Prabhakar

Worked with TOI & HT group, senior feature writer, copy editor and experienced translator, writes on life and style related subjects. Core associate of Ayurved Sutra .