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MIND-ITATION : The Mind’s Medicine

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Ayurvedsutra Issue 1031 copy - MIND-ITATION : The Mind’s Medicine

Why meditation is hailed as an anchor to the ship of enlightenment and well being is because it is processed to be a source of spiritual peace across all mediums. But is that the complete picture? It certainly isn’t.

Eyes transfixed and slightly open, seated on the ground with crossed legs, hands rested on the knees, a calm and composure radiated through them- These were the basic traits that were derived by a group of archaeologists from wall art in the then Indus Valley, dated 5,000 to 3,500 BC. Later, they realised that what they had come across was an instance of the origins of meditation. Even in written literature, the earliest mentions of the profound practise of meditation finds it roots in the Hindu Vedas.  But the power of meditation could not be contained by the Indian subcontinent and it rapidly transcended all geographical and religious boundaries. Today, meditation translates into Dhyāna (Hindu), Zen (Buddhism), Tafakkur (Islam), counting rosary beads (Christianity) amongst numerous other forms. But all the variations of meditational practises are streamlined into one mass by what they share in common, the purpose. Why meditation is hailed as an anchor to the ship of enlightenment and well being is because it is processed to be a source of spiritual peace across all mediums. But is that the complete picture? It certainly isn’t. That meditation is the soul’s medicine is a known, but its power to train and better our brain is an ocean worth exploring.


Ayurvedsutra Issue 1031 - MIND-ITATION : The Mind’s Medicine

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Sushil Chandra

Senior Scientist with INMAS-DRDO ,heads Biomedical engineering.Research pertaining Cognitive Science,Biomedical Engineering and applications in defense. Several books in account.