
Nostalgia’s fine line

People with a greater propensity for nostalgia are better able to cope with adversity and are more likely to seek emotional support, advice and practical help from others. In his song “Time Was,” counterculture singer Phil Ochs reminisces about a

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Bengal traditional practices on cardiovascular disorders

Ayurveda is a rich heritage and wide scientific system of medicine. Many ancient scholars have compiled the art and science of ayurveda practiced at their times. They were in a position to explain anatomical, physiological, pathological and emergency medical care

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What is the principle of Vipassana ?

The word vipassana can be divided into two. Passana means seeing, i.e., perceiving. The prefix vi has several meanings, one of which is through. Vipassana– insight literally cuts through the curtain of delusion in the mind. Vi can also function

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What is Transcendental Meditation ?

Transcendental Meditation (TM) refers to a specific form of mantra meditation called the Transcendental Meditation technique. TM is said to bring the practitioner to a special state of consciousness often characterized as enlightenment or bliss. The method involves entertaining a

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Can everyone energise Chakras?

Yes, just start search within. Derived from Sanskrit, the term Chakra means ‘wheel’. In Hindu, tantric/yogic traditions and other belief systems are energy points or nodes in the subtle body. They are the meeting points of the subtle (non-physical) energy

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Bengal Traditional Practices on Liver Disorder

The rich tradition of Bengal has contributed in the field of Ayurveda Since Gupta period (4th Century AD). Along with time different schools of thoughts for practicing Ayurveda emerged in different parts of Bengal. Numbers of scholars and commentators have

By Dr. Asit panja Posted on

How Sudarshan Kriya is performed ?

‘Su’ means proper, ‘darshan’ means vision, and ‘Kriya’ is a purifying practice. The Sudarshan Kriya is therefore a purifying practice, whereby one receives a proper vision of one’s true self. According to Art of Living Guru Sri Sri Ravishankar ,it

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