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Bengal Traditional Practices on Liver Disorder

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 04 issue 10 49 a - Bengal Traditional Practices on Liver Disorder

The rich tradition of Bengal has contributed in the field of Ayurveda Since Gupta period (4th Century AD). Along with time different schools of thoughts for practicing Ayurveda emerged in different parts of Bengal. Numbers of scholars and commentators have enriched the classical wisdom. They made the Ayurveda practice very popular as primary health care system in every corner of united Bengal and in India.


Ayurvedsutra Vol 04 issue 10 48 791x1024 - Bengal Traditional Practices on Liver Disorder

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Dr. Asit panja

Known ayurveda scholar devoted to research. Patron of NASYA, associated with National Institute of Ayurveda. Many research works including Classical Methods of Education in Ayurveda and A Scientific Exploration of ''Carakopaskara commentary".