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Ayurvedsutra Vol 04 issue 01 53 - LANGHANA  FASTING THERAPY IN AMAVATA

Classical texts of Ayurveda describe varities of clinical syndrome regarding their etiology, classification pathogenesis and management, such as available in western medical literature. If we look into past, direct references on Amavata are not available in vedic literature. However, in the samhita period the word Amavata has been discussed.1 However controversy exist among the scholars whether to accept it as separate entity or not. Madhavkar has clearly mentioned the etiology of “Amavata”2. The management of this ailment is available in the Chakrapani Dutt, approximately from llth century A.D. Charak and Chakrapani Dutt, the main commentator of Charak Samhita have described the Ianghana therapy in depth, in such ailments where ‘Ama’ is predominant. The textual description of ‘Ama’ has been described by Vagbhatt3. Meaning there by that ‘Ama’ is known as the juice of undigested food material. Langhana being one of the main therapy for eliminating the ‘Ama’ as described by Charak. 4

Therefore an attempt was made to see the action of Langhana therapy in a clinically established case. The present study was carried out to the associated hospital of Regional Research Institute Ayurveda, Jaipur under C.C.R.I.M.H. during the month of June, 1978.



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