
How’s your weather today?

Weather is one particularly large indicator of how your mood is going to turn out for the day, and if you have ever thought that the weather seems to be an apt metaphor for your mood (a pathetic fallacy as

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Aesthetics of the subconscious

As we close our eyes and drift off to sleep, something in our mind spins us fanciful tales of wandering in space, eating candies, taking a walk in the park down the street that might be a different planet. Common

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Ayurvedic concept of Svapna – a literary review

Now a days, Swapna is totally abolished from clinical practice. Although, some studies have been done by some research scholars on Swapna in Ayurveda, even then more efforts are required to explore the possibility of application of this concept in

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Wrong Timing of the Main Meal

Diabetes is a non-communicable disease of affluence, the global impact of which has been compared to a tsunami1, rather than a mere pandemic. Its global significance to human health and happiness is additional to the financial burden it places on

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Charaka, our Modern Life and Corruption

The root cause of the derangement of all is unrighteousness or adharma. That arises from misdeeds from a previous life or this life, but the source of both is pragya aparadha (intellectual error). [Unrighteousness is] … when the heads of

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Gunas Identified

stavam rajstam iti guna parkritisambhava nibdhanti mahabhaho dehe dehynamvyama(bhagwad gita 14/5) In this shloka of Bhagwad Gita, lord Krishna says that atma is bound to the body through three gunas (the driving forces behind physical manifestation of existence) – sattva,

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on


Thought-based technology (meditation) combined with organic farming method involves creating the awareness of being the subtle conscious being and directing pure energy from the Divine Source to the crops. Balasaheb owned 11 acres of farm land. Originally he was using

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Vriksha Ayurveda the ancient science of plant life

Vriksh Ayurveda advocates a holistic crop management system and deals with various species of trees and their healthy growth and productivity. Trees are one of the most prolific and potent sources of our well being. In fact, the modern-day medical

By Dr. Meeta Kotecha Posted on