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An Office Yoga Sequence to Restore & Rejuvenate

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 04 issue 05 58 - An Office Yoga Sequence to  Restore & Rejuvenate

When midday stress or aches arise in your body, take a break with this simple yet powerful office yoga sequence.

When we’re happy, we can thrive in our work. This practice will make your whole body happier in just a few minutes at your desk. Yes, yoga at the office—we dare you to try it! Based on my burgeoning understanding of Katonah Yoga, an alignment-based yoga system developed by Nevine Michaan in New York City and Bedford Hills, NY, here are a few postures to help you get through each day a little happier and healthier. This sequence incorporates quiet meditation, invigorating breath-work, and deep stretches. When practiced regularly it can give your immune system a boost, open your interior spaces, and clear your mind so you can perform at your peak.


Ayurvedsutra Vol 04 issue 05 56 791x1024 - An Office Yoga Sequence to  Restore & Rejuvenate

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