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An Understanding of Dairy-Free Diets

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WEB AyurvedSutra vol4 Issue7 31 - An Understanding of Dairy-Free Diets

I’m just old enough to remember the good old days when the milkman delivered fresh unhomogenised milk straight to your door every few days. How good was it as a kid peeling off those foil lids and gorging on the creamy tops and the precious liquid that lay beneath?! I LOVE milk!! Always have, always will but my lordy has it changed in the last 30 years! The milk we get these days doesn’t even remotely resemble the superfood it once was. It is no wonder so many people are giving it up. Let’s explore this dairy-free phenomenon in a little more detail, from both a Western and Ayurvedic perspective…


WEB AyurvedSutra vol4 Issue7 30 791x1024 - An Understanding of Dairy-Free Diets

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