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Be a Vegetarian, make a choice

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 04 161 - Be a Vegetarian, make a choice

Can you avoid eating red meat, poultry, seafood, dairy products and the flesh of any other animal? Does it seem impossible? If so, think about yourself and take a reality check of your health. Are your truly healthy? Being a vegetarian is the latest fad. While the number of vegetarians are increasing around the world Shruti Mittal discusses why you should join the bandwagon too

For you must always remember that the one central ideal of Vedanta is this oneness. There are no two in anything, no two lives, nor even two different kinds of life for the two worlds.


Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 04 91 791x1024 - Be a Vegetarian, make a choice

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