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My work is my Passion

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 04 issue 05 42 a - My work is my Passion

His father was a Boxer and made sure that his son too follows his steps. Kaustubh during his school days learnt Martial arts. Initially, it was merely a routine. But gradually, he became disciplined and developed a fondness for the sport.

As father and the son duo shared the same interests, every Saturday used to be crazy with both stuck in front of the television screen to watch every move by Bruce Lee. And since then he never looked back. He went on to win black belt and endless Gold medals. Along with, he also started learning Kickboxing as it was a new form of Martial Arts. Gradually, it became his passion.


Ayurvedsutra Vol 04 issue 05 43 791x1024 - My work is my Passion

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