
Wealth Does Not Really Bring Happiness

Money doesn’t buy happiness. Following is a short story emphasizing that happiness is not related to wealth. There was a boy whose family was wealthy. One day his father took him on a trip to the country, where he aimed

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Joy is not your cars or bank balance..

After being born in this world it’s apparent that we have to go through all; happiness and sadness, love and hate, pain and pleasure, honor and humiliation, hope and frustration, success and failure, gains and losses, union and separations and

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A poor country and A rich idea

Gross National Happiness is not the story of Bhutan alone. It is a story of valuing the goodness in human beings. It is the story of valuing small things that make you smile. About the time when the Bretton Woods

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Ayurved Sutra | Regular Issue | Vol. 4 | Issue 12 | On the Cover : Happiness

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Lifestyle, Immunity and Yoga

Yoga offers a time-tested and systematic plan of action for maintenance of immunity and its development. This system does not involve any toxic medication or harmful or damaging process.  It also does not take help of any invasive treatment.  Yoga

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The Sounds of Waking

Waking up to an alarm is not just about the sound. If you are in deep sleep and a loud sound goes off, it is the suddenness of the sound. Fortunately, most people today are setting alarms on the phone

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Improve your Living by Balancing Doshas

The food habits and unhealthy lifestyle are the main contributors of lifestyle diseases. So there is no wonder why these foods are serious health hazards over a period of time. Lifestyle fitness with simple Ayurvedic tips will help to maintain

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How Meditation Can Help You Manage Disease

Meditation is the antidote. By reducing the production of stress hormones, it counteracts all the stress-related changes in the body, giving a boost to the immune system and helping to prevent and manage chronic disease. It also helps prevent and

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Changing Lives through Daily Living

If we want to support healthy rasa, Ayurveda has taught that we need to have appropriate daily routines. We need to develop habits that support balance and health within shifting environments. A fundamental tenet of Ayurveda is that “like increases

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Immunity: Thriving the Ayurvedic Way

Ayurveda presents some excellent philosophy and guidance on how we can maintain a healthy immune system. Here we will delve into how the immune system works and the role of our internal ‘digestive fire’. Immunity is the organism’s natural response

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