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Sun and its powerful energy bestows life on planet earth

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 0809 Summer Special 19 - Sun and its powerful energy bestows life on planet earth

Lord Bhaskar or Sun God possesses so much of disease destroying potential that even the most tedious illness can be overcome by its grace. One does not have to look far ahead.

Lord Savita Narayan or Sun God is the focal point of nature or Prakriti. All our energy is obtained from the sun. Just as without the soul our bodies cannot exist similarly the world exist because of the sun’s presence. Just as honeybees in search of honey wander near flowers so too planet earth in search of protection of life on it revolves around the sun. The earth is verily our mother and sun is our father. Their ‘sperm’ and ‘ovum’ sustain life on earth. Solar heat helps mature bodily juices. Energy advancement, nourishment of bodily parts and emission of bodily wastes is dependent on this gigantic energy. So far we spoke of the body and progress and nourishment of means that sustain life. This general cycle can be seen even in the life of matter and consciousness that help in life’s sustenance.


Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 0809 Summer Special 14 791x1024 - Sun and its powerful energy bestows life on planet earth

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