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The emptying out of both Dreams and Reality

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 0102 Double Issue 70 - The emptying out of both  Dreams and Reality

We must wake up from our “dream within a dream,” before we can know that we are actually sleeping through our lives. After awakening there is no need to dream any longer. Following a Buddhist example, how are we supposed to deal with dreams?

When Buddhists in India dreamed they dealt with their dreams in a variety of ways. Certain types of dreams occurred frequently enough to the ancients to merit listing as separate categories for dream-analysis. The categories show the following different kinds of dreams. The most distinctive use, for Buddhists, was

  1. seeing dreams as a simile for emptiness, sunyata, the ultimate nature of all things.
  2. seeing dreams as portents of things to come, which overlapped with another type of dream:
  3. as messages or teaching by the gods, spirits or bodhisattva.


Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 0102 Double Issue 68 791x1024 - The emptying out of both  Dreams and Reality


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