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The Psychology of Buddhas

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 04 issue 05 78 - The Psychology of Buddhas

Man can look at life in two ways: either through a no or through a yes. Either he can be negative in his approach or positive. These are the two easily available ways for the mind.

There is also a third way, but to achieve to the third you have to go through arduous effort of becoming more and more aware. To the sleeping person these two ways are ready-made, available from the very birth. The positive person lives through a kind of optimism. His optimism is shallow, but he is full of hopes. He counts only the roses on the rosebush; he does not look at the thorns, he ignores them. Sooner or later he is bound to be disappointed.


Ayurvedsutra Vol 04 issue 05 79 791x1024 - The Psychology of Buddhas

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