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Vegetarian vs. Meat-Eating

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 04 40 - Vegetarian vs. Meat-Eating

Kevin Hinton is a renowned Natural Health Educator and Advocator who has assisted a broad range of people to re-invigorate their lives through common-sense Natural Health practises. He is a trusted advisor to many in the corporate world in Australia and North America who recognize the life-improving value of Natural Health habits. His experience is the field reveals that adopting practical Natural Health habits usually helps drive successes in other areas of life. Ayurved Sutra presents you excerpts from his recently released book ‘A Lifestyle for Health and Happiness’

Whenever I speak on the topic of health I always get hit with ‘Do I have to give up eating meat?’ “No! – You don’t have to give up eating meat – but if you want the best health possible for yourself – you will give up eating meat.


Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 04 37 791x1024 - Vegetarian vs. Meat-Eating

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