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Vision and Dreams

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 0102 Double Issue 30 - Vision and Dreams

The dream always happens when you are asleep. The vision always happens when you are not asleep.

This is the first distinction: you are fully awake. And the vision always appears to be coming from outside, reaching to you. And sooner or later, you will find its validity, its reality. The reality of dream you will never find. It is simple garbage; it is really the unwinding of the mind. A dream is a mind projection. It has no validity of its own. It is only a thought in picture form. The dream is a great help, a cleaning. It is not against you, it keeps you sane; otherwise, everybody will go insane.

One very fundamental thing has to be understood: a dream and a vision look alike, but they are two totally different phenomena.

A dream is a mind projection. It has no validity of its own. It is only a thought in picture form.

Small children cannot think in thoughts, but they can understand pictures; hence, in their books you will see big pictures, beautiful colors, and very little writing. Slowly slowly, as the child grows up, the pictures go on becoming smaller and the writing in his books increases. Finally, when he is in the university, pictures disappear and only writing remains. You may not have inquired why this is so….


Ayurvedsutra Vol 03 issue 0102 Double Issue 26 791x1024 - Vision and Dreams

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