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5 Secrets to Enjoying All the Benefits of Money

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After some time on the road, Vanessa Runs realized everything she ever wanted in life was there all along, and none of it came with a price tag. Ayurved Sutra Reader Harrit Joshi  read her views in Mind Trip Magazine and wanted to share it with all of us.

This year, my boyfriend and I took the dog, the cat, and walked away from our home and our jobs. We moved into a tiny Rialta RV, relinquished our possessions, and gave up many of our luxuries. In exchange, we opted for a life of endless travel, complete freedom, and all the time in the world to do whatever we wanted.

Neither of us had ever lived in an RV before, and we’ve both worked hard all our lives. We had “normal”, 9-to-5 office jobs, and lived for the weekends just like everyone else we knew. We believed that to enjoy some aspects of life, money was required. We didn’t have the financial luxury to do what we wanted 100% of the time … but oh, if we ever won that lottery … THEN we could really live!

What we’ve found after some time on the road is that everything we wanted was there all along, and it didn’t come with a price tag. Here are the principles we embraced to retire into a wealth we never thought possible.


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