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Charaka, our Modern Life and Corruption

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Ayurvedsutra Issue 508 - Charaka, our Modern Life and Corruption

The root cause of the derangement of all is unrighteousness or adharma. That arises from misdeeds from a previous life or this life, but the source of both is pragya aparadha (intellectual error). [Unrighteousness is] … when the heads of the country, city, guild, and community (desh, nagar, nigam, janapada Pradhan) having transgressed the virtuous path, deal unrighteous with people and their officers and subordinates, and people of the city and community and traders carry this unrighteousness further. Thus, this unrighteousness makes the righteousness disappear.…Consequently, when righteousness has disappeared, unrighteousness has the upper hand.

Charaka was a great sage of Ayurveda during 600 BC. This is considered to be the golden period of Ayurveda. Before that, Ayurveda was a part of Rig Veda and Atharva Veda. Charaka emphasized on research and scientific valediction of the medical knowledge. He told us to go with yukti (rationality). There are certain things Charaka wrote 2600 years ago are amazing and seem to be prediction of our times. Before I described that, let me concept of individual and that of a community according to Charaka.


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