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It is what you believe

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 2 Issue 327 - It is what you believe

Live Science Contributor Wynne Parry has published an interesting report regarding concept of hell and its impact on happiness.

Fire, brimstone, eternal suffering — hell is not a pleasant concept. But research has pointed to the societal benefits of a belief in supernatural punishment, including higher economic growth in developing countries and less crime.

But there are also drawbacks, even in this life. A new study links believing in hell, and perhaps even thinking about it, with lower levels of happiness and satisfaction in life.

“It seems there is this trade-off,” said Azim Shariff, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Oregon.

In research published in January in PLOS ONE, Shariff and a colleague looked at international survey data to see how belief in heaven and hell affected people’s daily emotional states, along with a more long-term measure, life satisfaction.


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