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Joy is not your cars or bank balance…

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Ayurvedsutra Issue 9 Spring Special032 - Joy is not your cars or bank balance...

After being born in this world it’s apparent that we have to go through all; happiness and sadness, love and hate, pain and pleasure, honor and humiliation, hope and frustration, success and failure, gains and losses, union and separations and finally death.  There is no escape from them as they naturally come as bindings to the body and the mind in the body we take. There is no way that we can choose one and avoid others.

Often people take success, prosperity, happiness and good health for granted but go into deep depression when the opposite manifests. We gladly accept and even jump on every opportunity to get bouquets forgetting that bricks too may follow. And when they come, we cry heavens, create a big ruckus and become very unhappy.


Ayurvedsutra Issue 9 Spring Special032 copy - Joy is not your cars or bank balance...

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