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Keep it Cool

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 05 issue 07 15 - Keep it Cool

Scared of summer heat, skin eruptions, sweat and thirst? Overcome all summer problems with these cool solutions offered by Ayurveda. Get acquainted with the wisdom of ancient sages and beat the summer heat before it beats you.  After the relaxing spring climate, we are experiencing a gradual increase in heat signifying the onset of grishm ritu โ€“ the summer season. From here on, the temperature will keep on rising till it reaches the sweltering stage.


Ayurvedsutra Vol 05 issue 07 14 - Keep it Cool

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Dr. Partap Chauhan

Dr. Partap Chauhan is an author, public speaker, TV personality and master Ayurvedic physician. He currently serves as the Director of Jiva Ayurveda and spearheads all its medical and pharmaceutical activities.