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Maun: Power of Silence – II = Controlled Speech is Equal to Silence

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sep WEB34 - Maun: Power of Silence – II = Controlled Speech is Equal to Silence

In last issue you read about speaking in silence. We must try to understand the mode of the language of the mind. Speaking is both one’s nature and one’s choice. Lack of knowledge inspires a man to speak more. He also tries to speak in different ways whose mind and ability to communicate are weak. In this concluding piece, we talk about the progress into silence which can be maintained.

Life is based on speaking, which regulates our social interactions. We can convey what we have in our minds to others only by way of speaking. We have a mouth and tongue to help us in eating and speaking. Old and wise people say that we should speak half of what we see and hear. We should eat less too because we have two ears and two eyes but only one mouth. It is the meaning of seeing and knowing that constitutes philosophy and knowledge.

Speaking is both one’s nature and one’s choice. Lack of knowledge inspires a man to speak more. He also tries to speak in different ways whose mind and ability to communicate are weak. As a person becomes intellectually mature, his habit of speaking gets reduced automatically. Then comes a stage, when one doesn’t need to speak at all. A man can then communicate without speaking. Having developed the power of the mind one’s ideas can be passed on to a person sitting at a remote place. This kind of communication is called “telepathy”.


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